PARTS UNKNOWN: Anthony Bourdain


ZeroPointZero / CNN


"The received wisdom is that Mexico will never change. That is hopelessly corrupt, from top to bottom. That it is useless to resist -- to care, to hope for a happier future. But there are heroes out there who refuse to go along. On this episode of "Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown," we meet a few of them. People who are standing up against overwhelming odds, demanding accountability, demanding change -- at great, even horrifying personal cost. This show is for them." - Anthony Bourdain


"After drinking vodka so steadily, and in such quantities for a week or more, I need a few years off. So enjoy this one. It's rude. It's boozy. Vladimir Putin won't like it. And there won't be another one like it for some time to come -- or until my liver forgives me." - Anthony Bourdain


"Over the years, my crew and I have shot in Liberia, Ghana, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, the Congo and much of North Africa. But what we've never done, was step back to our first impressions, to the Africa of Hollywood films and nature documentaries that many of us grew up with: vast herds of wild animals charging across the Serengeti, lions and giraffes and zebras and hippos, safari gear, Land Rovers and the equally magnificent "natives" in their brightly colored robes. Does this Africa even exist? And if so, how? And for whom?" - Anthony Bourdain